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Tuesday 6 October 2015

Having sex makes almost half of all women feel this way, survey claims

Close: Women can feel a sense of deflation after sexual relations

It's a stereotype that women can be ' clingy' post-intercourse - but a new study claims there's more to it than craving affection.
Almost half of all women could suffer from 'post-coital dysphoria', researchers say.
The condition means that, after sex, 46% of respondents could suffer from what has been termed "post-sex blues".
PCD is a condition which includes tearfulness, anxiety, agitation, a sense of melancholy or depression, or aggression.
The paper, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine , took in answers from 230 respondents to an online survey.
Although the blues, or PCD, didn't seem to he related to intimacy, it was considered something that 5% of the questioned women had suffered at least once in their lifetime.
Some even said they had experienced PCD symptoms “a few times” within the past four weeks.
A study conducted by the Queensland Institute of Technology in 2011 found that a third of women said they felt depressed even after satisfactory sex.

Published in the International Journal of Sexual Health , the study suggested that changes in hormones post-climax could be to blame for attitude changes and headaches.
Lead researcher Dr Robert Schweitzer said: “The results of our original research in this area have now been confirmed in an international multinational study on negative postcoital emotions, which appear to have evolutionary functions." the Mirro