DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman SchultzVice Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile
  • Female member of the Democratic Party's controlling body spoke to Daily Mail Online in Las Vegas following Tuesday's primary debate
  • She rattled off a list of women at the top of the party hierarchy and said two vice chairs helped craft a decision this summer to favor Clinton
  • The committeewoman warned her party could promote Hillary 'because she's a woman, and risk having her implode after she's nominated'
  • The Democratic National Committee insisted that it 'runs an impartial primary process, period'
  • But it has sanctioned just six debates this time around; Democratic presidential candidates had to survive 27 of them in 2007-08
  • DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz campaigned for Hillary in 2008 when she last ran for the presidency
  • See our full coverage of Hillary Clinton and her presidential bid.
The Democratic National Committee is 'clearing a path' for Hillary Clinton to be its presidential nominee because its upper power echelons are populated with women, according to a female committee member who was in Las Vegas for Tuesday's primary debate.
Speaking on the condition that she isn't identified, she told Daily Mail Online that the party is in the tank for Clinton, and the women who run the organization decided it 'early on.'
The committeewoman is supporting one of Hillary's rivals for the Democratic nomination, and said she spoke freely because she believes the former Secretary of State is benefiting from unfair favoritism inside the party.
Clinton aims to be the first female to occupy the Oval Office, and 'the party's female leaders really want to make a woman the next president,' the committeewoman said, rattling off a list of the women who she said are the 'real power' in the organization.
'I haven't heard anyone say we should make Hillary undergo a trial by fire,' she added. 'To the contrary, the women in charge seem eager, more and more, to have her skate into the general [election].'
Baltimore Mayor and DNC vice chair Stephanie Rawlings-Blake'I have nothing against women in politics,' she underscored. 'But it's not healthy for the party if we get behind a woman because she's a woman, and risk having her implode after she's nominated because she isn't tested enough now.'
'WOMEN IN CHARGE': Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Waserman Schultz (center), along with vice chairs Donna Brazile (left) and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (right), are part of a female cabal dead set on putting a woman in the White House, according to a DNC committeewoman