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Tuesday 22 September 2015

To All Women Out There

Get ready, because the opportunities that are coming your way will amaze you.
Speaking about opportunities, you know success happens when opportunity meets preparation.
In other words, to achieve success we have to be ready for opportunities that come our way.
One of the ways to prepare for opportunities is to get information and apply it.
You see, the importance of information can never be overemphasized. I believe that people act according to what they know per time. The whole idea is, “If you know better, you will do better.”
Nevertheless, there is another key critical to preparing for opportunities. You may have all the information on how to succeed but given all the information, what do we do in the face of danger?
Do we rise up to the challenge or do we quit?
In the face of adversity, we need to be courageous.
I will share more on this tomorrow.
one with love is majority...............