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Wednesday, 2 September 2015

A Woman the Soul Of life

A woman of wisdom and moral dignity is worth more than shekel gold and rubies.  A wise man of the old ones affirmed that “He will study and prepare himself, and someday He knew that his chance will come”. That chance is what our ladies and women really should look up to. They should strive to be better mothers than their predecessors.
Every youth should be prepared, for he who is prepared has half won the battle of feminism.We need to inculcate in the minds of our youths that a woman is beautiful only when she is ready to build a better society and not contributing to, crime or any inimical act that is injurious to the family and the society in general.
Today we have a larger village called “a Global Village or Global Society”, where there are so many things left and yet to be accomplished. Every woman has a great role to play in helping to make the world a better place. Let’s not undermined the importance of wise sayings such as “where the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways. But where it is unwilling, it will find a thousand excuses”. As youth, you need to make your heart willing and ready to contribute positively to your family, the people around you and the entire global society or village.
Are you a youth today? You needs to know the direction been headed towards. For every new born baby girl will one day become a lady and every lady will grow to become a woman”. When you know where you are and where you want to get to in term of growth and development. In the words of Oliver Holmes; “the greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving.
History has a record of both good people and the bad people. But when stories of good people are told it bring smile to the face”. Would you want to be a lady, woman or mother that her remembrance brings sadness to the heart? Do you know that we there you like it or not, you are duly remembered for something in your family or even the society in general. Every woman need to be remembered for something greater than procreation only that must contribute towards man’s well being and development.Focusing on this, history will make you a live forever.
“People who does not know and thinks they  Knows only ends up as a slaves to those who knows, while a those who knows that they do not know, and are willing to know, becomes  students to those who knows”. Women in this category are “beautiful feminine and a true soul of life”.
Lovely friends, what do you think? Please make your comments and contributions.

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