A Michigan woman took the phrase
"kill them with kindness" to heart, when
she purchased coffee for two women who mocked her.
Dianne Hoffmeyer, was ordering doughnut holes for her
2-year-old and a cup of coffee for herself at Tim Horton's in Fort Gratiot,
Mich., when she heard two women behind her commenting on her appearance.
She said the women called her a "whale" and
commented on her hair.

And the
coffee was meant to be a pick-me-up after a long night with Liliana and an
early morning doctor's appointment for the toddler.
also didn't know that Hoffmeyer, 41, recently had lost 177 pounds over 22
months after being diagnosed with congestive heart failure during her pregnancy
with Lily.
was really mad and I'm usually not quiet," Hoffmeyer said. "I've got
a big mouth."
of retaliating, Hoffmeyer held her tongue and paid for the women's coffee. She
said her kids influenced her decision.
2-year-old daughter is a mini-me and she mimics everything I do,"
Hoffmeyer said. "I wanted to do the right thing so when she's old enough
she'll know the right thing to do."
When Hoffmeyer left the coffee shop she wrote about her
experience in a post addressed to "the 2 mean bitter ladies standing in
line at Tim Hortons." She posted her story to her personal Facebook page
and to the "Port Huron Michigan" Facebook page.
posting about the incident on Facebook, more than 166,000 people have liked the
post, and Hoffmeyer has received at least 94,000 friend requests and hundreds
of messages, some as far as New Zealand.
when you think there's no one nice in the world, they're all on my Facebook
page," Hoffmeyer said. USA
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