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Friday 11 September 2015

Stand up against intimidation and humiliation

As a woman, wherever you find yourself and in whatever situation, you need to stand up against any form of intimidation by men. Women are not supposed to take up arms or to partake in any form of violence as a repellent of intimidation. But whatever is happening indoor, that a woman have perceived that it can degenerate to the worst in future should be reported.
Some women do not speak-out or voice out the humiliation, redetections, torture and pains being experienced at home until it degenerates to the worst.
If it is agreed that the innate beauty of a woman is, to absolve pressures of the home system and to figure out her best way to satisfying her man. That, does not approve that she should be maltreated, mishandled and undignified by any man in any form of relationship.
As most men claims to having rights so should women know that they too have rights not to be mistreated, intimidated, and humiliated by anyone including fellow women folks.
What usually comes to your mind when you see a woman that is?
  • ·         Scolded      
  • ·         Beaten
  • ·         Bartered
  • ·         Forced for sex
  • ·         Abused
  • ·         Denied of pleasure
  • ·         Maltreated
  • ·         Dejected by her partner
  • ·         Refused of opinions

You can name it. Even at this nascent era most women still faces this situation in the relationships and among family members.

Please, if you know of any quick to responds and   unbias human rights or feminine agencies that will help to propel this vanguard to the nooks of your own villages and communities, please do not desist from posting it in your comment area.