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Tuesday 22 September 2015

Kim Davis Lands Interviews on Good Morning America and Fox News

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis has landed her first official interviews after the brief jail stint that launched her to celebrity status.
Davis will be sitting down with both ABC News'Paula Faris on Good Morning America on Sept. 22 and Fox News' Megyn Kelly on The Kelly File on Sept. 23 per The Hollywood Reporter. Expect questions about religious freedom, the separation of church and state, Davis' conscience and whether or not she disobeyed a judge's order about altering marriage licenses for same-sex couples.
Though Davis was very public and celebratory when released from jail on Sept. 8, she has not yet spoken with a national news program about her actions.
County Clerk Kim Davis reports for work - but will she issue marriage licenses?

Davis found herself in the spotlight earlier this month, after refusing to issue marriage licenses to couples since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. After being held in contempt of court for refusing to follow the law, she spent five days in jail. She then became a hot topic for Republican presidential hopefuls, namely her staunch supporter Mike Huckabee, and was even the subject of a question in CNN's recent GOP debate.
Do you want to hear what Kim Davis has to say?