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Monday 14 September 2015


Back to school at the age of 58

"I left school after my fifth year at primary school but I've done all sorts of courses since – dance, sewing, first aid. I love to learn! Once my children grew up, I studied for my baccalaureate and graduated when I was 58.

No support for older people

"I don't feel that age is a problem; it's the situation in the country. There's no support for older people. I don't have a pension. I earn a living by making and mending clothes. On a good month I earn 180 pesos (US$75). I have to keep working.

Lack of money holds me back

"I don't like to bother my three children - they have their own money worries. My dream is to study social work. I have always been very curious and I do not think that age is an impediment. What holds me back is lack of money."

Justina Vanguera, 68, from Buenaventura, Colombia

If she has this kind of mind, what about you who is still young...?