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Friday, 18 September 2015

Female genitals found in Bloemfontein man's fridge

Johannesburg – Free State police have arrested a Danish national after pieces of female genitalia were found in the fridge of his Bloemfontein home, the Hawks said on Friday.
Twenty-one pieces of women’s genitals were found in the 58-year-old man’s deep freezer earlier this week, Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi said.
Police confiscated anaesthetic medication, surgical equipment, and photos from the house in Langenhoven Park. The man was the owner of a gun shop in Bloemfontein.
Police spokesperson Constable Maselela Langa said he would appear in the Bloemfontein Magistrate’s Court on Monday on charges of sexual assault.
The Volksblad reported that the matter came to light when the man’s wife reported him to the police. 
Police called on women who may have fallen victim to the man to come forward.

 Thomas Hartleb, News24

what a cannibal or what do you think..........

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