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Thursday 26 May 2016

Ramadan: Maximise the opportunity

Getting the kids ready Allah has blessed this ummah with the glorious season of fasting. It is a period where goodness is enjoined and even multiplied. A month of forgiveness where sinners purify themselves and get closer to the Creator. It is a month of giving and sharing. This is Ramadan, the glorious month, the blessed season, the uniqe period of worship. Allah has enjoined fasting in it, so that we may gain nearness to him. Besides, Allah has created us so that we may worship Him.  That is why He has made one of the greatest acts of worship – Fasting cumpolsory on us. This, He made compulsory on the people before us. Abstaining from fulfillment of physical desires stimulates an increase in spirituality, and creates an inclination for prayers and worship. Fasting Muslims feel close to Allah, and Allah reminds them that He too is close, and will answer their prayers. That is why we have to be prepared to spend the day and night of the month in prayers and supplications. Promise of multiplied rewards Even the nominal believer who seldom carry out others acts of Ibadah before Ramadan try to be prayerful during the month. This is because of the emphasis on the sanctity of the month, the promise of multiplied rewards, as well as the assurance of a favorable response. No doubt, this is the time that Almighty looks at His servants with mercy, answers their prayers when they supplicate, responds if they call, grants if they ask, and accepts if they plead . The best thing a believer can pray for during this month is forgiveness for his past sins. Ramadan is a glorious chance given to man to have his sins erased, and gain a higher position before Allah. The Prophet (s.a.w) says: Indeed, woe unto who did not seek Allah’s forgiveness in this great month. As you prepare for Ramadan, plan to maximise the glorious month for your advantage – which is seeking forgiveness, seek for blessings of Allah in this world and in the hereafter, enriching yourself with words of Allah (Quran) so that when Ramadan leaves, the words will remain with you. Affects the lives of people and make the society better. This is because Allah had not made us to live only for ourselves, we have to lift others in need, we have to live for others, we have to impact positively in the society.  Check out the indigent in your area, check out those who are in need and inject joy and hapiness into their lives. The double sure reward is that you will never lack in joy peace and happiness. Preparing Kids for Ramadan There is no better time than now to hold a family meeting to explain what Ramadan is to your kids. Prepare them for the fasting, even if to catch some fun.  Our kids not only need to know what we are doing, they also have to learn to do the same. Prepare them and let them fast even half a of the day. Children often want to fast as they see their parents and older siblings do. This year, let them fast for a couple of hours. Prepare a special “Iftar” for them when they break fast with a couple of their favorite foods. Let them read their quran or do arabic lessons more in the month. Various narratives Tell them stories and various narratives from the Quran.  Ramadan is a special month when we give out more.  Let them know the importance of giving to the poor. If you used to give your children some stipend, or money they save in their piggy-box, let them know they have to part with a little of it and give the poor. The essence is to inculcate in them the spirit of giving, the earlier that is inculcated into them, the better as they will turn out to also be cheerful givers. Take them to Tarawih prayer, let them feel the blessings of the month through all the congregational prayers.  

By Haroon Balogun