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Saturday 28 January 2017

Why celebrities’ marriages crash

Actress, Yvonne Jegede is a role interpreter who is good at what she does. Popular for her cameo appearance in Tuface’s African Queen and Djinee’s Ego, Yvonne continues to thrill her fans with her versatility. In this chat with RITA OKOYE, the newly engaged TV star shares her love story and opens up on the rampant crisis rocking celebrities’ marriages.
Any plans to have your own movie soon?
Well, not yet but I have been very busy working on other people’s projects. I have been on set shooting here and there. So, plans are ongoing for my own movies. You shall hear from me pretty soon.
What is the most challenging role you have played in recent time?
There is this epic I did in Asaba where the character I played lost her husband and she had to go through mourning for years. I had to cry literally for like half of the film. It was emotionally challenging for me. I had not cried that much in a long time. There were some scenes where even after we finished shooting, I was still crying. But I had to snap out of it in order to be able to act the next scene.

You will soon be getting married; will that limit the kind of roles you play?
No! Why would it? My husband is also an actor so he understands. He knows the business so I don’t have to restrict myself. Life has been made easy for me.
When he proposed to you last year, what was your immediate reaction, did you see it coming?
I don’t like talking about my private relationships that was why nobody knew about it until it happened. I love my privacy a whole lot.
Why did you hide the love affair for so long?
I don’t like talking about my relationships like I said. I love my privacy. We are already in the public glare so we need to be more careful with our private lives and relationship.
But you showoff sometimes on social media, why?
Well, that is just pictures. It was after he proposed that I started putting up our pictures on social media. You don’t expect me to write down my whole history on social media just because I want to show off;  like this is what we ate today, this is where we are living; my husband is going to wear a white shirt to work etc. You don’t expect me to write all that online, do you? I just post pictures and people can assume whatever they like.
What has your new status changed about you?
Nothing has changed really but clearly, I have lived alone for almost all my life. Now I have someone and we live together. It is totally different. Now I am in a relationship. I have to be a wife and I won’t have to talk to the four walls of my room anymore. I have someone to share my life with. So, I have more activities around me. It makes a lot of difference. To be very honest, when you are single or live alone, it is a very lonely life. Now, I am getting to love and appreciate my new status better.
What does love mean to you?
Love is everything. Love is me, it is you and it is all of us; God is love.
Have you ever cried for love?
I have, but it was all in the past, I have since moved on.
What is the craziest thing you have done for the one you love?
(Laughs) So you expect me to tell you abi? No-o (more laughter).
Lots of your colleagues have suffered marriage breakups in recent time, what do you think is the cause?
People need to go into marriage with a mindset of for-better-or-worse and then you prepare your mind to make it work. It is not like buying a house which you can resell or a dress you can change if it doesn’t suit you anymore; it is far beyond that. When you are married, you should be ready to share your body, soul and all of you with your partner. I don’t think absence of humility is the cause of celebrity marriage crisis, I think it’s because they marry for the wrong reasons. However, there are lots of other things that cause breakups in marriages.
Do you have fears for yours?
No! I don’t; not at all.
What is your definition of a sexy woman?
My definition of a sexy woman has to do with the mind. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are some girls that don’t look it but when they walk into a room you have to turn because the confidence goes before them. For me, sexiness is confidence. Some are so pretty but they don’t have self-confidence; they are always comparing themselves to others.
 By Yvonne Jegede
opted from the sunnews